Potton Bowls Club is a private member’s club which provides an active sporting and social venue for the health and well-being for members of our community in Potton and the surrounding villages. Bowls is a sport most people can join in. There is no discrimination to age, gender, or disabilities. Those members of our community who are living on their own are encouraged to join and socialise with others to reduce loneliness whilst encouraging
exercise which has a long-term health benefit both mentally and physically.
Potton Bowls Club was first formed in 1917 at a venue called ‘The Hollies’ located near the town centre and later moved to the rear of ‘The Old Coach House’ then known as ‘The Rose & Crown Hotel’. Bowls were played at this venue for many years, with many notable players representing the County. During the 1970’s the Club moved to a new venue at the rear of ‘The Red Lion’ public house in Station Rd (now a private residence opposite the old station). Fund raising was needed to put all the necessary buildings up including changing rooms and a Clubhouse. All this was achieved with a lot of hard work from all the members with the Clubhouse donated by Potton Timber for which the club was very grateful. In 1998 the club was given notice by Charles Wells Brewery, who owned the site, and again the club was very lucky to rent the present venue at Sutton Mill Road from Mrs Sheila Manning whose family has been closely associated with the club for many years and. Mrs Manning was present at the official opening in May 2000. A new green and Clubhouse was established and with further fundraising and charitable donations the Club is now owned by its members.
Since the forced move to our current location dedicated volunteers have worked hard to provide us with one of the best bowling greens in the County. We participate with teams from the local area including teams from Bedfordshire Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire for matches Because of the high-quality playing surface we are regularly requested to act as host for County and National Competitions on our green. Potton Bowls Club currently has a membership of over 75 playing members which includes retired persons, full time/part time workers, juniors (5 boys and girls), and a good cross section of the local community. Our club has male and female certificated coaches who provide training to members and new bowlers We also have male and female safe guarders (DBS certified) to look after the safety and wellbeing of all our members both young and old. We promote ladies, men, and mixed matches for both competitive and friendly games to cater
for all.
Last year one of our ladies, after being Bedfordshire County Singles Champion, was successful in being the runner up in the National Singles Competition Final representing Bedfordshire.. Also, as Bedfordshire County Champions representing Bedfordshire at the National Championships we had ladies’ pairs, fours, and senior four teams. Two of our youngest members were winners of the Bedfordshire under 25s Pairs Competition and represented Bedfordshire at the National Championships.
Another of our ladies was Bedfordshire over fifty-five singles Champion and one of our juniors (14 years old) was a semi-finalist in the Bedfordshire County under 25s Singles Competition. In the East Bedfordshire Bowls League, the Men’s team won the knock-out team competition, and the Ladies Team were Division One winners.
All our members are proud of our club for the previous successes and look forward to carrying on with the successes in all competitions this season.
Praise should be given to all our older members who have been supportive and welcoming to our junior members as they are the future of bowls in Potton. We are pleased to be able to provide the community with a well-maintained sporting venue accessible to all. Although lawn green bowls is thought of as a summer sport the Club remains active during the closed season with social events regularly held in the licensed Clubhouse to brighten up the winter evenings.

Potton Bowls Club is situated at 2-12 Sutton Mill Road, Potton, Sandy, Bedfordshire. SG19 2QB.