contact us!
Please us the form to contact us.

If you are interested please feel free to visit the club on a Friday night and you will be made welcome or contact the following officers of the committee.
President: Mr Gerry Gray
01767 261816
Chairman: Mr Stephen Black
07770 225061
Secretary: Ms Jenny Ralph
01767 689742
Treasurer: Mr Graham Arnold
07540 113313
Club Captain: Mr Kevin Donnelly
01767 261226
Women's Club Captain: Mrs Jan Butlin
01767 260075
Vice Captain: Mr Clive Bassindale
01767 769529
Competition Secretary: Mr Leigh James
01767 262801
Fixtures Secretary: Mr Paul Malloch
01767 261163
Ladies Fixtures Secretary: Mrs Margaret Malloch
01767 261163
Social Secretary: Mr Gerry Gray
01767 261816
Bar Manager: Mr Steve Jones
01767 260176
Coaching: Mr Gordon McCann
01767 262087
Green Keepers: Mr Bill Wood & Mr Will Martin
01234 870051
Webmaster: Mr Pete Hillier
2-12 Sutton Mill Rd, Potton, Sandy SG19 2QB
TEL: 07443455894
Potton Bowls Club is situated at 2-12 Sutton Mill Road, Potton, Sandy, Bedfordshire. SG19 2QB.